Welcome To Our Exclusive Events Page!

LIFT R&R developed this annual event which provides over 90 elderly residents at the North Park Nursing & Rehabilitation Center with free essential supplies care kits. We provide opportunities for other Non profits to partner with us for this event to provide them additional exposure.

Applications for 2023 are now closed! Thank you for your support!

Each year at Christmas time we provide 90 Northpark Nursing Home residents with their Christmas Baskets filled with essential care items and some all-around Christmas goodies and gifts! We put on a Christmas skit to bring joy and smiles to their faces! What a time what a time what a time! Our next Christmas distribution will be in December 2023

Toys for Tots! There are so many children in Collin County that are underprivileged and do not experience the exciting time of Christmas. As a Collin County distributor for the past 4 years, we look forward to sharing the gift of Christmas with our little ones and we are looking forward to continuing to serve hundreds more and more each year! Our next distribution will be in December 2023.
Our Toys for Tots application is now closed for enrollment.